January 21, 2022
Campers have four options for changing into and out of their swimsuit.
- Many campers come to camp in their clothes and bring their swimsuit. In this case, they would change into their swimsuit during their group’s assigned time prior to pool. Then, after pool, they would change back into their clothes.
- Many campers come to camp in their swimsuit and bring their clothes. In this case, the camper would only change one time – after pool when they change into their clothes.
- Some campers choose to come to camp in their clothes and change into their swimsuit at their group’s assigned time prior to pool. Then, they leave their swimsuit on for the remainder of the day. In this case, the camper would also only change one time.
- Some campers choose to avoid changing altogether by arriving at camp in their swimsuit and remaining in their swimsuit after pool.
If your child needs extra support regarding changing procedures, please let us know. We want your child to feel comfortable, and we have several systems in place to assist with this.